Friday, 4 July 2014

A blast from the past...Mikey

Good morning blogging buds how has life been 
treating you, All good I hope!
 I would like to say a Happy 4th of July to 
my US blogging buds have a lovely holiday weekend.

Here is my blast from the past I must have bought these digi's 
about 5 years back,  I bought them from
Charmed Cards and Crafts
Its the Mikey Collection I used them a few times,
but never had the nerve to post them here, I guess its because
they weren't particularly great,
heres a card I made for a Teacher he kinda looks
like Mikey lol.  I think also that Mikey can be used
for the older gentleman too.

Have a fantastic weekend peeps and Thank you so much for stopping by 
Its means alot :) xx
Have fun see you all soon :) xx


Squirrel x said...

You need your head read missus, this is awesome - such stunning colourwork sweetie, I can almost feel the fabric. More please! Hugs xx

Janette said...

Morning Bridget, I really like this, Mikey looks cool don't you think, and your colouring is fab....
Have a great week-end ..xx

Lorraine said...

A brilliant card Bridget and your colouring looks fabulous.
Lorraine x

Sandra H said...

Oh my goodness this is truly beautiful and l'm loving the backing blog xxx